Procedures using natural healing sources

In general, baths, wraps, inhalation and drinking cure belong to unique procedures which exploit locally available curative resources. The success of the Karlovy Vary spa treatment comes from the extraordinary properties of local mineral water which is obtained from a total of 12 springs with a temperature of 30 to 72°C. The richest, most robust and warmest spring called Hot Spring is supplied right to the balneological center of our hotel. It is used for drinking cure, inhalation, irrigation, baths or water massages. Our procedures also use gases, salts, peat, moor, and mud (peloids) for the application of wraps and baths. Moreover, rejuvenating effects are provided by the very location of our city upon the valley running along the Tepla River. Enjoy a walk at the riverside and let your body and mind relax.

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