Get to know Karlovy Vary
Carlsbad´s colonnades
Hardly anybody misses Karlovy Vary’s (Carlsbad’s) colonnades during a visit. If you are here for a treatment, you will stroll here daily on your way to the curative thermal water prescribed by the spa physician within the drinking cure.
- Sadová kolonáda (The Orchard Colonnade) (1880)
- Mlýnská kolonáda (The Mill Colonnade) (1881)
- Tržní kolonáda (The Market Colonnade) (1883)
- Zámecká kolonáda (The Chateau Colonnade) (1913)
- Vřídelní kolonáda (The Thermal Spring Colonnade) (1975)
Carlsbad´s churches
Not only are the spa buildings interesting in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), but many churches and other ecclesiastical buildings also belong to architectural treasures of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad).
- Kostel sv. Máří Magdaleny (St. Mary Magdalene Church) (1737)
- Kostel sv. Petra a Pavla (St. Peter and Paul Church) (1898)
- Hřbitovní kostel sv. Ondřeje (Cemetery Church of St. Andrew) (1500)
- Kostel sv. Lukáše (St. Luke Church) (1877)
- Kostel sv. Petra a Pavla (St. Peter and Paul Church) (1856)
Carlsbad´s spa buildings
The buildings were built in order to provide spa care. Some of them are serving into the present, but some are unfortunately no longer in use.. However, their architectural solution is worthwhile noticing regardless of what purpose they serve nowadays.
- Císařské lázně (Lázně I) (The Emperor’s Spa - Spa I)
- Lázně III (Spa III)
- Alžbětiny lázně (Lázně V) (Elisabeth’s Spa - Spa V)
- Vojenský lázeňský ústav (The Military Spa Institute)
Carlsbad´s galeries and museums
The museums and galleries of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) offer both the permanent and short-term exhibitions. More information about the current events can be obtained in the info center by Mlýnská kolonáda (the Mill Colonnade).
- Galerie umění (Art Gallery) (Tue - Sun)
- Muzeum Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad Museum) (Wed - Sun)
- Jan Becher muzeum (Jan Becher Museum) (Mon - Sun)
Carlsbad´s outlook towers and belvederes
The spa woods are crisscrossed by more than 130 km of various paths and trails designed for pleasant walks. Pick one of the local outlook towers as a destination of your walk. The guide signs which can be seen on almost every step in the forests will lead you the correct way.
- Diana (altitude 547 m)
- Goethova vyhlídka (Goethe’s Belvedere) (altitude 638)
- Vyhlídka Karla IV. (Charles IV. Belvedere) (altitude 514)
- Jelení skok (Deer Jump)
- Tři kříže (Three Crosses)
Other architectural landmarks
Besides colonnades, church buildings, and museums there are many other architectural landmarks worth noticing. We have selected a few of them:
- Hotel Imperial (1912)
- Zámecká věž (The Chateau Tower)
- Městské divadlo (The Metropolitan Theater) (1886)